Credit Card Debts – Go Green – Get the Monkey Off Your Back and Learn to Have Fun Again

Credit card debts are driving people nuts! It keeps them awake at night and literally pollutes their financial life in every imaginable way. Putting the debt monkey back in the jungle is a way to clean up your environment and a put little “green” back into your life and have fun along the way.

It makes absolutely no difference how the debt monkey attached itself to you whether it was unemployment, overspending, emergencies or the girlfriend you loaned your card to is all totally irrelevant. There are millions of card stories but only yours matters since you ended up holding the bag.

To understand how the monkey operates you need to look at how the Federal Reserve banking system operates and an excellent way to do that is by reading Modern Money Mechanics written by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

You will discover that no money was ever loaned and banks use your “account” information to generate more imaginary money to open more credit card accounts. This creates some kind of imaginary pyramid scheme to make more money out of thin air for the banks and makes you wonder if monkeys are running the banking system.

Once you realize you do not owe the bank any money and decide to stop paying your credit card debts, the bank will close your account and that is the end of it. Because you have ruined their pyramid game they will attach the monkey to your back and sell your account information to some other chimps.

Reading the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act will tell you how to handle phone harassment and collection letters. In rare instances some monkey may file a lawsuit against you in an attempt to collect the alleged debt. You need only demand a live witness that has personal knowledge of your account and those people do not exist.

Your demand for proof and a live witness if you must to court for complete the removal of your credit card debts and the monkey on your back will be released to attach itself someone that is less informed than you. Have fun and keep the green for your pocket.

Phil Emerson invites you to please visit [] and down load the free e book Control Your Creditors to begin educating yourself with the wisdom to stop any debt collector in his tracks. Find out why collectors will gladly accept 10% of what you owe just to get rid of you or go away altogether. Learn the secrets to improve your credit score 60 to 120 points after you stop paying and learn money mastery for life to stay out of the debt trap forever.

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